
#CleanWaters Artistic Residency Open Call


We’re very excited to announce the open call for the 1st Clean Waters Artistic Residency which will take place between the 12th and 26th of September 2024 in Sulina – Danube Delta, Romania. The call is free and open for artists & researchers living in Romania / Moldova / Ukraine / Bulgaria / Serbia / Croatia / Slovakia / Hungary / Austria / Germany, focusing on practices or themes related to water ecologies, the Danube and the impact of plastic pollution on these ecologies.

The project aims to connect 10 professionals around the Danube for a 12 days artistic residency that explores the generative potential of art and collectivity in reinventing the ways we connect to the environment.

The residency involves living in a shared house, cooking together with local resources and sharing meals, but also getting to know the small town of Sulina, its inhabitants and the incredible biodiversity and challenges in the Danube Delta. The working process is imagined as an exchange of knowledge(s) and practices between participants working with different environments, that will lead to producing works of art and ideas that will be further shared through exhibitions with the communities living on the Danube river in Romania. Transport, accommodation, meals, artist grants will be covered.

The #CleanWaters Artistic Residency, coordinated by MaiMultVerde and Matka, is part of the Clean Waters program, launched in 2019 with the support of Lidl Romania as a call for involvement in combating and preventing water pollution with plastic, addressed to members of the communities and public authorities in the localities along the Danube.

Directions for #CleanWaters Artistic Residency 


Sulina, the Danube Delta, Romania​


12-26 September 2024

Eligibility criteria

  • artists and researchers residing in one of the countries along the Danube River: Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria or Germany; +18 years old;
  • working with themes related to water ecologies, the Danube and the impact of plastic pollution on these ecologies, no matter the discipline.


Application guidelines

Registration is free. The applicants must submit an application in English that includes: 

  • a description of the artistic project or research that will be developed during the residency (a short description of the artwork / text proposal – max. 1500 characters without spaces that can be accompanied by images; the applicants can develop a part of a previous or an ongoing project that focuses on the theme of the program)
  • a portfolio: 10 pages max. (10mb)
  • a biography: 1 page max.  

Applications must be submitted via the online form only. Once submitted, the application cannot be modified. 


The Residency provides

  • accommodation in double rooms; 
  • access to common working space at location (outside / inside);
  • cooking in teams with local resources as a way of sharing and getting to know each other;
  • field trips in the Danube Delta;
  • transportation costs covered;
  • participation grant of 500 euros.

Throughout the residency, each resident will participate in common discussion and screening sessions and will share a presentation of their activity with the rest of the group. Physical artworks produced during the residency should be easily transportable as the results will be further presented in exhibitions in other cities across the Danube in Romania in autumn 2024. In the first days of the residency, 12-14 September, the project will include the participation at the Danube Festival in Sulina – consisting in 3 days of workshops, debates, sports, movie screenings and concerts focusing on the importance of protecting Danube’s waters.   


Selection process

10 residents will be selected to participate in the project, 2 of them from Romania. The selection committee will pay particular attention to the quality of the project, its link to the theme of the residency and the applicant’s activity and the possibility to carry out the proposal within the timeframe available. The selection committee is composed of the curator of the project, Mihaela Cîrjan, alongside Edith Làzàr and Daniela Custrin, as guest curators. The results will be announced on 6th of July.   


Apply for the Artistic Residency here

Deadline:  22 June 2024, 23:59 EET 

Contact: mihaela@maimultverde.ro